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Arete Art Limited

英国     收藏拍卖公司

Arete Art Limited, established in Essex in the UK, is dedicated to offering regular exhibitions and auctions of Chinese Works of Art. We specialise in Chinese jade, early ceramics, bronzes and paintings. Arete, meaning excellence and moral virtue in ancient Greek, is a perfect description to the ancient Chinese works of art which combined wisdom, creativity and unparalleled craftmanship. Today, Arete Art Limited collects best quality Chinese works of art from around the world and offers to global clients who share the same enthusiasm.
阿瑞忒艺术有限公司成立于英国埃塞克斯郡,致力于定期提供中国艺术品展览与拍卖。 我们专注于中国古代玉器,早期瓷器,青铜器及字画。阿瑞忒,源自古希腊的美德女神,代表了至臻至美,它完美地诠释了集智慧、创意与极致的匠人精神于一身的中国古代艺术。今天,阿瑞忒艺术有限公司从世界各地征集、收藏高品质的中国古代艺术作品并与遍布全球有共同热爱的收藏家交流分享。

地址:85 Great Portland Street